Cancellation Clause in Lease Agreement Example

When it comes to leasing property, it`s essential to understand the terms and conditions of your lease agreement. One of the clauses that tenants should pay close attention to is the cancellation clause.

A cancellation clause or termination clause gives tenants the right to terminate their lease agreement before the end of the lease term. This clause is typically included in lease agreements to protect both the landlord and the tenant from potential losses in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

Let`s take a closer look at cancellation clauses in lease agreements and provide an example of how they work in practice.

What is a Cancellation Clause in Lease Agreements?

A cancellation clause in a lease agreement is a provision that allows tenants to terminate their lease before the end of the lease term. This clause outlines the conditions under which a lease can be terminated, such as a job loss, health problem or any other unforeseen circumstances.

Cancellation clauses are typically included in lease agreements to protect both the landlord and tenant. For the landlord, it provides a way to find a new tenant quickly, minimizing potential losses. For the tenant, it provides a way out of the lease agreement without being required to pay for the entire lease`s remaining months.

An Example of a Cancellation Clause in a Lease Agreement

Suppose you`re a tenant in an apartment and are required to sign a lease agreement. In that case, you`ll want to read the lease carefully to understand the terms and conditions of the rental agreement. Let`s explore an example of a cancellation clause in a lease agreement.

“Tenant may terminate this lease agreement at any time, without cause, upon providing written notice to the landlord at least 30 days before the intended move-out date. Tenant must provide notice on or before the first day of a calendar month and must vacate the rental property by the last day of that same month. Tenant is responsible for paying rent for the full 30-day notice period.”

This clause outlines the conditions under which a tenant can terminate their lease agreement. The tenant can do so at any time without cause, but they must provide written notice to the landlord at least 30 days before their intended move-out date.

The tenant must provide notice on or before the first day of the calendar month and must vacate the rental property by the last day of that same month. The tenant is responsible for paying rent for the full 30-day notice period, even if they move out before the notice period ends.


A cancellation clause is an essential provision to include in a lease agreement. It provides tenants with a way out of a lease agreement in case of unforeseen circumstances and protects landlords from potential losses.

If you`re a tenant, make sure to read your lease agreement carefully to understand the terms and conditions of your rental agreement before signing it. If you`re a landlord, including a cancellation clause in your lease agreement can help you find a new tenant quickly and minimize losses.